Newsletter - Thursday, March 11


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This Week’s Worship

Sunday, March 14

Please join us at 10 am on Zoom for Service of Morning prayer.

The Zoom link for Sunday 10 am is

You can also phone into Sunday Worship at 778-907-2071 and enter meeting code 919477422

PDF bulletins and Audio recordings are also available for BCP and BAS weekly services. Click on buttons below.

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Weekly online Bible studies are:

Tuesday at 7 pm

Thursday at 10:30 am

The Zoom link is:

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In the Anglican Communion, we pray for:

-Iglesia Anglicana de Chile

In the Diocese of New Westminster, we pray for: 

The Archdeacons:
-The Venerable Kevin Hunt (Burrard)
-The Venerable Stephanie Shepard (Granville)
-The Venerable Allan Carson (Lougheed)
-The Venerable Stephen Muir (Capilano)
-The Venerable Luisito Engnan (Fraser)
-The Venerable Richard Leggett (Westminster)
-The Venerable Bruce Morris, Archdeacon for Deacons
-The Venerable Douglas Fenton, Executive Archdeacon (Vancouver)

In the Diocese of Northern Philippines, we pray for:

-Bishop Brent Alawas
-Fr. Lawig Nyayaan and the cluster parishes of St. Gregory’s Church (Bangnen Proper), St. Andrew’s Church (Bangnen Oriente), St. Martin’s Church (Golang) and outstations on November 28 2020 at St. Gregory’s Church, Bangnen Proper, Bauko.

In our Church Family, we pray for: 

-Larry and Christine A
-Cathy, Andrew, Cheryl, Trevor B
-Hilda B
-Doreen B

Prayers for those who have asked us to pray with them:

-Bob and Sheilagh
-Sr. Chris C
-Averil V
-Kim, Margie, Kaitlyn and family
-Pat and Rachel
-Keith and Carole


-The flowers in the Church are lovingly given by Heather Peart in remembrance of her parents Eva and Art Peart.

If anyone has a particular need or concern that you would like added to the newsletter prayer list please email Joanie  by Thursday morning at  

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Lent 2021     St. Andrew-St Dunstan Joint Outreach, on behalf of PWRDF.

PWRDF  -  Lent 4

As you probably know by now, PWRDF is the Anglican Church of Canada’s agency for sustainable development and relief efforts at home & around the world.  With the support of Anglicans across Canada, PWRDF partners with local organizations working to bring relief in the most vulnerable communities. This Lent we are supporting their partnership with Water First, who are providing training internships to local Indigenous youth, so they can attain their certification to operate systems which deliver clean, potable drinking water to homes in their communities.

Water connects all of life in our world. What Covid-19 has made abundantly clear is that access to clean water is essential to maintaining public health and water system operators are essential workers. To quote one of the Water First interns, “The only time people think about where their water comes from is when they cannot drink it.”

With scientific & technical training, combined with cultural traditions the Indigenous youth interns graduate from the program with skills & confidence to benefit their communities.  They have an appreciation for how much work & time water system operators invest in creating clean water before the tap is even turned on in the house.

Let us support this Lenten Outreach and let these interns know we appreciate the time & effort they are investing in their future, to benefit not only their communities, but Canada as a whole.

Thank you for your support!!

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Donations are picking up! Let’s keep it going!

Donations can be mailed, dropped off or e-Transferred to the Church. Thank you.

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Sources Food Bank

Please remember the food bank during this time

Items for the Food Bank can always be dropped off during office hours or we invite people to still give money to Sources Langley Food Bank: 


If you wish to continue to donate to St. Andrew’s during this time, you can do so utilizing our PAD (Pre-Authorized Debit) option. Once a month, on or after the 12th, we submit to RBC our PAD file to automatically debit from your bank account. If the 12th falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, we process the file the next bank business day. To begin this process, call Carl Markwart at 604-575-3068 to provide your name and banking information. Three bank details are needed (usually taken from the bottom of a void cheque) – your bank’s transit number, bank number and your personal bank account number.

Alternatively, you can drop off your weekly envelopes through the church’s mail slot or mail your donation to St. Andrew’s 20955 Old Yale Rd, Langley City BC V3A 7P8.   

There is also the option of e-transfer. You can just send it to the church’s email,, and it will be sent to our Treasurer.

Please keep checking in on each other! 

St. Andrew’s Anglican Church
20955 Old Yale Road, Langley BC V2A 7P8

Social Media

Check out our Facebook page and our Instagram page @standrewslangley