Newsletter: July & August plans...

It looks like the weather is turning around this weekend, and I am ready for my summer vacation. This Friday and Saturday, I’ll be at a friend’s wedding on Gambier Island, though I’ll be back in plenty of time for the Sunday service. In July, I’ll be here for every Sunday, though I’ll head up to Sorrento Centre during the first week, to visit with my parents, the second week to visit with David’s family, and the third to just visit with David as the boys will head to Calgary with Grandma. I’ll take some courses while I’m at the Centre, so this will count as my study leave.

In August, we’ll have a baptism on the 13th at the 10am service. I’ll be away on the last Sunday of the month, but Mother Amanda will be here from St James to preach and preside. I’ll take the rest of my holidays in September, though there are some balls up in the air at the moment and its a bit hard to organize.

In other news, we’re having the hall floor stripped and waxed this weekend. It should look beautiful for Sunday morning. Thanks to Stuart for organizing. And we’ve had the ride-on lawnmower fixed. Thanks to Cathy & Bill for staying on top of this, and thanks to Andrew Barnes, Rob, Rosemary & Robert for keeping the grass cut, even without the benefit of a ride-on!

Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday for the barbecue!

Fall Garage/Craft Sale at the Church

We are still looking for a few people to help organize a fall garage and craft sale at the church. If you are one of those people, please speak to a member of Parish Council ASAP!

Care Home Ministry

Ministry to the Care Homes will continue through the summer. We’ll next meet on Tuesday, July 4th at Harrison Pointe. The time and date for Harrison Landing have change from July 12th at 2pm to one week earlier and one hour later, July 5th at 3pm. In August, we’re looking at Harrison Pointe on the 3rd and Harrison Landing on the 9th. I’ve been trying my hand at playing the piano as Mildred takes a step back, and so it would be helpful to have a couple more strong singers attend! Or if you play the piano and would like to help that way, please let me know. Everyone is welcome to come and help out.

Sunday Family Barbecue

This Sunday is our Family Barbecue!

Here are the details…

Theme: Gathering together to celebrate the beginning of summer!

Date: Sunday, June 25th

Time: Family Service with picnic style Eucharist at 10am. Barbecue begins at 11am.

Location: at the church, 20955 Old Yale Road

Bring: Lawn chairs, sun wear/screen, friends & family, a salad or dessert to share

Looking forward to being together!

As always, please let me know if you or anyone you know would like a visit from the clergy!

Love from,
