Newsletter - Thursday, March 17

Sunday 8:00 am Said Eucharist Service

Sunday 10:00 am Sung Eucharist Service

Tuesday 7:00 pm Online Bible Study

The Bible Study Zoom link is:

Wednesday 2:00 pm Harrison Landing service

Wednesday 6:30 pm Yoga

Thursday 10:00 am Eucharist

Thursday 10:30 am Spiritual Practice: 40 Day Lent Prayer Study/Practice Group

Saturday 4:30 pm Spiritual Practice: Hymns We Love and Why – Facilitated by Rev. Andrew Halladay

Saturday 6:00 pm Sung Evening Prayer

Third Sunday in Lent

This Week’s Worship

Sunday, March 20

Please join us for in-person services

(masks and socially distancing is recommended)

8 am Said Eucharist Service
10 am Sung Eucharist Service

or you can join at 10 am on Zoom

The Zoom link for Sunday 10 am is:

You can also phone into Sunday Worship at 778-907-2071 and enter meeting code 919477422

Latest News From The Bishop

Dear friends, 

Bishop John has sent out a letter in response to the latest announcement from Dr Bonnie Henry and the government. As of now, the following rules are in effect at St Andrew’s: 

  • Masks, capacity limits, and social distancing are no longer required in church. These things are recommended, but not required. You are most welcome to wear a mask and to keep your distance if that feels good to you.

  • We will again start to pass the offering plates and present the gifts at the altar (provided we can find people to facilitate this in the context of worship).

  • We are permitted to sing unmasked though, again, we will want to proceed cautiously with this.

  • We will continue to ask people to provide their vaccine passports in order to attend coffee time.

On April 8, if things continue to go well, the following rules will be in effect: 

  • We will be permitted to discontinue requiring vaccine passports for coffee time.

  • We will once again be permitted to receive wine during communion. This is not required. If you are comfortable receiving just the bread, that is perfectly fine.

  • We will be permitted contact when sharing the peace, though we want to be very careful to not force this on to anyone who isn’t ready.

Thanks to you all for doing you best to follow all rules and regulations as they have changed over the past two years. Let us continue to move forward kindly and generously! 

Love from, 


  • during lent we will be collecting food for sources food bank. Please bring items to be presented at the offertory. (some needed items are milks in tetra packaging - almond, soy, etc and parishable fruits and vegetables)

  • Restarting coffee hour - we are going to start coffee time up again in a couple of weeks. we will need people to help with setting up, bringing goodies and cleaning up. there is a sign up sheet in the narthex

  • Holy Week and Easter services coming up:
    Palm Sunday - April 10
    Maundy Thursday - April 14
    Good Friday - April 15
    Easter Sunday - April 17

Spring Cleaning at St Andrew’s Langley

Come and help one of the days or all three!

Inside the church:

-   Windows need to be washed inside and out (including window between sacristy & sanctuary)

-   Removal of the altar platform

-  Continue patching walls in the church

-  Clean the fans in the church

-  Sacristy cupboard clean-out

-   Continue to organize and purge the music in the choir room

-   Organize and purge the closet in the choir room

-  Clean and organize the back storage room in the hall

-   Clean and organize hallway storage room

-   Patch ceiling in nursery

Outside the church:

-  Blow or rake the leaves all around the church

-  Power wash the curbs, rocks, and parking lot to get rid of the moss

-   Viciously prune the small evergreens in the front garden

-   Wash and stain the posts at the front of the church under the cross window

-  Prune all the giant trees so that cars and humans can get under them

-  Clean up the memorial gardens

-  Weed the rocks close to the church

-  Collect garbage in the ditch

-   Remove one of the two entwined trees at the first driveway

-  Clean up the debris and garbage near the garbage can

-  Clean out and organize the shed and the lawnmower room

-  Power wash the coloured strip around the roof

-  Clean all of the parking signs along the side of the church

-  Remove dead tree near the sign at the corner

-  Paint the posts at the first driveway with reflective paint

Spiritual Practices

The Thursday practices for March will be:

Feb 24 - Apr 7             40 Day Lent Prayer Study/Practice Group

The Saturday practice for March will be:

Mar 26    Hymns We Love and Why – Facilitated by Rev. Andrew Halladay

Working towards a truly just, healthy and peaceful world. ​

PWRDF Lenten Outreach – Vaccine Equity Fund March 2022

Lent is a time in the church year for us to examine our lives. To consider honestly how we are living, and what we would like to change or redirect.  This year we would encourage you to think prayerfully about contributing to the PWRDF Vaccine Equity Fund through the ‘Pay It Forward’ campaign.  This campaign was initiated in April of 2021 and so far, more than $60,000 has been donated.

Based on science and the experience of epidemiologists fighting other pandemics & epidemics around the world, now and over the past 100 years, it has been shown that our best protection comes from preventative measures including vaccination. Many countries cannot afford to supply their people with vaccines, so it is up to the rest of the world to help.  Encouraged by our Primate, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, several Bishops from across Canada have been urging Anglicans to pay it forward, including our own Bishop John.  A suggested donation would be the cost of the vaccine you have received, but any amount would be very supportive. (Pfizer was charging $19.50 per dose, for example).

Please refer to page 3 of the PWRDF’s February 2022 issue of “Under The Sun” entitled HOPE, included with the most recent Anglican Journal, for more information.  Also visit the PWRDF website.

Home - The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (

Also of interest is an interactive global map of current vaccination rates, found on the New York Times website.

Covid World Vaccination Tracker - The New York Times (

Thank you for your continued support of PWRDF.
Wishing you a Holy Lent,
Heather Clarke, PWRDF Parish Rep
Heather Peart & Alison Minto, PWRDF support in the Parish