Fellowship & Teaching

St. Andrew’s seeks to be an inviting place for all spiritual seekers. You are welcome to try us out to see if we are a good fit for you, wherever you are on your spiritual journey.

Threshold Ministries

Our Threshold Ministries include Welcome & Hospitality, Special Event Planning, and our Coffee & Kitchen Ministries. The Threshold is a place of encounter between guest & host, newcomer & old-timer, friend & stranger. It is a place of risk and opportunity!

Spiritual Formation ministries

Our Spiritual Formation Ministries include Adult Bible Study seasonally on Tuesday evenings and regularly on Thursday mornings; Children & Youth Ministries including Messy Church, Sunday Storytime and a Youth Group shared with St Dunstan’s in Aldergrove; and Monday Night Yoga led by our Seminarian, Amanda. As Christians, we are persistently attempting to grow more deeply into the image and mystery of Christ.

Transparency & Accountability Ministries

Our Transparency & Accountability Ministries include Communications, Resource Development, and Personal Stewardship. Our goal is to ensure that our congregation has all the information it needs to make decisions about how to give generously of their time, talent & treasure.

sacramental living

We believe that our lives are gifts of mysterious and sacred significance and that it is possible to encounter God in any place and at any time.

praise & worship ministries

Our Praise & Worship Ministries include all the little jobs that make our services run smoothly, the Altar Guild, and Jonathan, our musician, & the Choir. Our worship life is thoughtful and relaxed, working to find a balance between traditional and contemporary elements.

Healing Ministries

Our Healing Ministries include monthly visits to local Care Homes, our Pastoral Care team, and our Prayer Shawl Knitting Group. As the hands and feet of Christ, we strive to bring the good news of God’s love and power to those on the margins of our community by cause of age, illness or circumstance.

congregational stewardship ministries

Our Congregational Stewardship Ministries include the Building & Maintenance Team, the Grounds & Garden Team, and the Financial Team & Parish Council. We are always working to manage our property and administrative tasks effectively.

loving our neighbours

We consider ourselves to be an integral part of the neighbourhood around us and are working to learn more about who our neighbours are and how we can help them.

Civic Ministries

Our Civic Ministries include our Rentals to local orgainizations, our work with other nearby churches, and our presence in the neighbourhood. St Andrew’s wants to work with the community around us to address the needs of people in Langley City.

Baptismal Ministries

Our Baptismal Ministries include supporting those who are pursuing vocations both inside and outside the church, our personal service to the world, and our personal service to the broader church. Each of us is sent by God to share our particular gifts with the world around us.

assessment, Gifts & Donations

St Andrew’s regularly pays our Assessment to the Diocese of New Westminster, gives to local organizations like the Sources Langley Food Bank, and does special fundraising projects on behalf of the Primate’s World Relief & Development Fund, among other organizations. St Andrew’s likes to share our abundance with the church locally and internationally, with local community organizations, and with other groups as requested.